FurEver Animal Rescue

Don't Shop ..... Adopt!

501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Rescue Story
Your adoption donation is 100% tax-deductible.
EIN 45-3954430
Ricky's Story
Sweetheart Ricky, a 5 year old Chihuahua boy, came to us from a very sad living situation. His owner had become disabled due to severe obesity and because of the economy, had fallen through the cracks with getting any assistance from the county. His situation worsened to the point he had difficulty moving about in his home, as well as difficulty caring for Ricky. Then the worse happened - he was served with an eviction notice. Shortly after, he fell in his home and couldn't get up. He has no recollection of his many days he laid on the floor with no care for himself or Ricky.
When FurEver Animal Rescue received Ricky, he was in serious need of dental care, had a severe 1" open gash on his right shoulder that had become infected. Ricky had several teeth pulled and received a complete dental cleaning.
For now, he is on wet food only but we will soon re-introduce him to petite-sized dry food. His shoulder wound has been cleaned out and left open to heal from the inside out. It is cleaned daily and sprayed with a protectant hydro-gel. He is on antibiotics for both his mouth and shoulder. He's doing extremely well.
Through everything, Ricky has maintained a funny and loving personality, enjoying all the attention and royal treatment.
Ricky is available for adoption and just wants a warm, cozy lap to hang out on and to be loved and well-cared for!
10/21/12 UPDATE: Ricky has found his FurEver home and now has an adorable Miniature Schnauzer sister named Peggy!